A work enclave is a contract between a company in the ordinary labour market (collaborating company) and a Special Employment Centre (SEC).

This creates a direct relationship in which a group of workers with disabilities from the Special Employment Centre move temporarily to the workplace of the collaborating company.

ADVANTAGES of entering into a work enclave with a Special Employment Centre.

· It is a flexible solution for outsourcing part of the production process.

· It helps optimise internal operations that depend on manual labour.

· It’s an alternative measure to meet the 2% reserve quota requirements.

· It serves as a training platform, preparing individuals for future integration into the workforce.

· It grants access to financial incentives and benefits aimed at facilitating labour integration.

REQUIREMENTS to establish a labour enclave.

· Minimum duration of 3 months and maximum of 3 years, with the possibiity of extension.

· Minimum of 5 people from the SEC hired in companies with 50 or more workers. 3 people from the SEC hired in companies with fewer employees.

· 60% of individuals with disabilities from the SEC must face significant challenges in accessing the regular job market.