Over 600 people work at Grupo Lince and 90% of them have some kind of disability, primarily intellectual disabilities or mental illnesses. Every day they surpass themselves, proving that their skills and commitment far outweigh any limitations. Our work method is designed to identify, develop and highlight professional and personal skills that enable people to develop throughout their working life cycle.


Guidance counselling.

Right from the first contact, we guide, develop, mediate and offer support in labour market insertion trajectories. A service in which we adapt to each person’s abilities, preferences and the requirements of each job.

Tailor-made itineraries.

When a person with a disability reaches out to us, we study their profile and identify what stage of the employment trajectory they are in:

a) Automatic placement in the recruitment processes that match their profile, interests and skills.

b) Enrolment in our job training programme, which offers candidates different training courses to match their interests and/or professional profile, or in our comprehensive vocational training system to assess and certify their skills.

c) Access to the employment scheme in any of Fundación Personas’ occupational centres for pre-employment development.

Intermediation between businesses and employees.

Through our intermediation service, we match the needs of companies with the needs of individuals. At Grupo Lince we work to find the ideal candidates for each job offer, leaving it to the company itself to finally select the candidate.

Specific on-the-job training and support.

At Grupo Lince, we promote the labour insertion of these individuals, for whom we provide multidisciplinary training and support. Our support method is based on a multidimensional model that covers all the key aspects of labour inclusion at an individual and personalised level according to the person’s characteristics.

Occupational risk prevention, quality and environment.

Our main concern is prevention and safety at work, as well as a high-quality service, to guarantee to our clients and workers that the tasks will be carried out under safe and efficient conditions. We also aim to protect the environment and promote sustainable development. For this reason, Grupo Lince has certified management systems in accordance with ISO standards ISO 45001, 9001 and 14001.

Commitment to equality.

In 2009 we developed our Corporate Equality Charter, committing ourselves to the Principle of Equal Opportunities and non-discrimination in our workforce. Since 2010, Grupo Lince has been recognised as a Collaborating Entity for Equal Opportunities between women and men, receiving the Óptima Castilla y León distinction.

Creating job opportunities for people with disabilities.

We promote labour integration in Castile and León.

We match the needs of companies with the needs of individuals.

Learning day by day.

The value of people. Connect in a different way.

One big family.